Industrial packaging
Industrial packaging is the most important segment of the company’s activity. The continuous growth and development of the market, high competition and active demand create the necessary conditions for the development of this direction. Over the period of our work, we have gained the trust of many Russian and European manufacturers, which we are justifiably proud of. Modern industry is a branched system. To manufacture a technically complex product, for example, a car, the interaction of various industries, workshops, contractors and many other divisions, sometimes located not only in neighbouring regions of Russia, but even far outside the continent, is required! Parts and ready products manufactured by plants are transported both between workshops within an enterprise and thousands of kilometres away from it. Furthermore, the safety of products during transportation is very important for the manufacturer. Solving this and other problems together with the customer is our task.

High level of expertise and experience in the development of industrial packaging
Turning to us, the customer, as a rule, sets the following tasks:
- Develop the product packaging “from scratch”;
- Сonfirm the technical feasibility of implementing the customer’s specifications and draw up a commercial offer;
- Change the existing unsuitable packaging (for example, not providing the sufficient safety of the products);
- Optimize the company costs for logistics and packaging.
We have absolutely all the things to solve these and many other problems.
By implementing various projects for partners, and accompanying their serial production, the company’s employees have gained invaluable experience and expertise to be readily used in new developments.
The company specialists understand that in working on a project, adjustments and modification are possible, therefore they are always ready to respond to your requests and offer the best solution.
By trusting us, you receive not only the full range of services: from the approval of the terms of reference to the serial production, but also the support by qualified specialists throughout the entire lifespan of the project.
Full production cycle: from design to serial production
Work on projects for partners is based on the integrated production cycle principle. Most of the materials that we use in the manufacture of packaging, are produced by us. For example, expanded polyethylene passes a way from a pellet from a petrochemical plant at the beginning, to a 3D product at the end of the process chain. This principle has two main benefits:
optimal price
product quality control at all the production stages.
The tasks of our customers are very diverse and sometimes change in the process of work, therefore we use cardboard, foam rubber, EVA, rubber, PPE, UPE, polypropylene, textiles and other materials in the manufacture of industrial packaging, and we successfully combine them as well, if necessary. The range of subdivisions that make up our production cycle is also very diverse. You can be confident that we will find the best solutions for you.
The areas we work with:

Car building


Furniture industry

Aerospace industry

Domestic electronics

Machine building
Stages of working on industrial packaging:
Development of technical specifications
The initial stage of negotiations, where either the existing customer’s terms of reference are discussed, or new terms are jointly developed. At this stage, a clear concept of the product to be worked with is elaborated in order to prepare a single or multiple technical solutions for the customer. At this stage, the preliminary cost of the product is formed as well, which can be adjusted in the course of the process.
3D model development
This is the stage of developing a 3D model of prototypes of future packaging based on the terms of reference and agreed solutions. For visualization and the most complete comprehension by the customer of the suggested option, as well as a detailed discussion of the project in detail.
In accordance with the technical solution selected by the customer and the terms of reference specified as a result of negotiations, a prototype model is produced. The prototype is then submitted to the customer for analysis and testing.
Testing and further development of prototypes
The purpose of this stage is testing at the customer’s site. Sometimes our specialists take part in the tests in order to discuss and agree on corrective actions at a faster pace. If necessary, prototypes are returned to the plant for the additional development, or new ones are manufactured taking into account the necessary modifications.
Experimental batch production
Based on the positive test result, the final terms of reference are formed and approved, taking into account all the modifications, and a pre-production limited batch is produced, is are used by us to work out the technical process and determine the actual labour intensity, approve the issues of packaging, labelling, logistics for the final pricing of the product.
Serial production
The finished technical solution is transferred to serial production at the request of the customer. At this stage, a marketing and sales specialist is appointed who will follow-up the order execution and monitor compliance with the contractual terms.
Project technical support
Throughout the project lifespan, various modifications and adjustments can occur. We understand that, therefore we are ready to respond promptly to the customer’s requests. Our production was initially planned in a way that the reconfiguration would require minimal costs and the shortest possible time. Accompanying and supporting partners is a permanent task of the company’s team.