For construction

Irrespective of the facility being constructed, you cannot avoid using materials to protect it against cold, moisture, moisture and water. They are as important as walls and floors.

The insulation materials by FLEXIBON are used to solve various construction problems: from heat and sound insulation of walls of buildings and ceilings, to waterproofing of foundations and reflective insulation of pipes, as well as ventilation systems.

Good technical performance, ergonomics, a diverse range of products in combination with reasonable prices make our insulating materials competitive and demanded both in industrial and civil construction applications.

The production potential of the FLEXIBON plant and an individual approach to each customer allow us offering not only ready-made, but also integrated solutions for fitting facilities from the foundation to the roof ridge of a building being under construction. Our product range confirms that.

Sometimes the necessary materials are beyond the framework of the regular parameters. For non-standard situations, the specialists of our company will always find the optimal solution.

FLEXIBON offers for the construction purposes:

  • The length from 1 m to 1 km in a roll;
  • The width from 50 mm to 1600 mm;
  • The thickness from 1 mm to 180 mm;
  • The density from 18 to 33 kg/m3;
  • Manufacturing of rolled and sheet materials according to customer’s dimensions;
  • Manufacturing of materials featuring antistatic properties;
  • Manufacturing of materials with improved fire safety;
  • Production of materials of various shapes and sizes in line with the customer’s drawings;
  • Manufacturing of combined materials;
  • Technical support by our specialists;
  • Delivery to your facility by our transport.

Wide technical capabilities, a full production cycle, quality control at every stage: from a pellet from a petrochemical plant to a finished product of different degrees of complexity, as well as engineering support of projects and delivery to the site – will ensure your confidence regarding your choice.

For construction
For construction

Do you run a construction business? We have something to offer you!

Purchase materials from the manufacturer. Get the best price and quality guarantee as well as the ability to select and complete the materials that meet your technical requirements.

To get the detailed offer, simply leave your contact information using this form.